
Mon, 2014/07/28 - 09:07

Welcome Day for the incoming Erasmus students 2014/15, winter semester:

When: 04. September 2014, 10:00

Where: 1084 Budapest VIII., Tavaszmező utca 12-14 (New Building), Basement

Program: Short introduction of the Óbuda University, matriculation, lunch, in the afternoon program with the Hungarian buddies




Mon, 2014/07/28 - 08:50

July, 01-29 - Summer Holiday, the office is closed

July, 30 - Opening hours from 10:00 until 12:00

August, 07, 14, 21 - Opening hours from 09:30 until 12:00

From 25. August the office is open.

Sun, 2014/03/23 - 21:58

Tue, 2014/02/11 - 22:03

Tue, 2013/12/31 - 08:19

Welcome Day for the incomings 2013/14, spring semester:

When: 06. February 2014, 10:00

Where: 1084 Budapest VIII., Tavaszmező utca 12-14 (New Building), Basement

Program: Short introduction of the Óbuda University, matriculation, lunch, in the afternoon program with the Hungarian buddies

Sat, 2013/09/07 - 10:35

Thu, 2013/06/20 - 18:59

July, 01-21 - Summer Holiday, the office is closed

July, 22-25 - Opening hours from 10:00 until 14:00

August, 07, 14, 21 - Opening hours from 10:00 until 14:00

From 26. August the office is open. Contact hours: see the "Contacts" part.

Sun, 2013/02/03 - 21:31

Welcome day:

7th   February 2012, 10:00. You should come to the following address:

1084 Budapest, Tavaszmező utca 14-18, (new building), basement. 

Sat, 2012/06/23 - 11:43

The centre for International Mobility is in July closed. Hopening hours in August until 26th of August: every Thursday, 09:30-15:00. From 27th of August the office will be open.

Fri, 2012/04/13 - 18:16

Call for films from higher education students (all areas of education) - dead-line of the "Erasmus Film Fest" has been extended until next April 27 - Money prizes –