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European Industrial Experience Mittelhessen (EIEM)
THM’s International Placement Programme “European Industrial Experience Mittelhessen (EIEM)” is open for applications until 31 March 2018. We encourage students of business administration, engineering, computer science or civil engineering/architecture to complete and submit application as Erasmus+ trainees.
After a German language course in September, EIEM participants work from October until December in one of the StudiumPlus partner companies on projects related to their subjects and earning EUR 600,- per month. They are supported by a university professor and a company supervisor. Up to 24 ECTS can be gained. An extension of the placement is possible for compulsory placements (up to 32 ECTS for minimum 20 weeks). Also possible is a combination with THM international semesters for a full year abroad.
More information can be found on go.thm.de/eiem and go.thm.de/thinc.
- Rovat: