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Erasmus30 Institutional Photo Contest
In 2017 the Erasmus programme celebrates its 30th birthday. Due to this anniversary, the Office of International Education of Óbuda University invites applications for its Institutional Photo Contest 'My Erasmus'.
The Erasmus first launched in 1987 as an exchange programme, with the aim of that those studying in higher education can have a taste of living and studying in a foreign country. Today the Erasmus offers various different personal and institutional opportunitites, including volunteering, traineeships or participating in international projects.
We’d like to receive photos that are in a way connected to Erasmus+, for example what kind of opportunities does this programme offer in the fields of language learning, traineeships or volunteering, and many more topics. You can also apply with photos you took during your Erasmus semester.
The photos will be posted on the Óbudai Egyetem – Erasmus facebook page, where the most liked pictures will be awarded. Furthermore at the hall of the Bécsi street campus we will organise an exhibition of the best photos (not only the winning ones).
Deadline: 05. March 2017.
Planned interval of voting: 05. March 2017.– 12. March 2017.
Prizes (in each category):
- I. place: gift card equivalent to 20.000 HUF
- II. place: gift card equivalent to 15.000 HUF
- III. place: gift card equivalent to 10.000 HUF
The prizes will be distributed at the opening ceremony of the exhibition.
For more information please check the following document.
- Rovat: