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Web Development and Design Internship positions are now open
Web Development and Design Internship positions are now open
The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Hungary is looking for students enrolled in a web or graphic design School or University who are interested in attending an internship at our Institution for at least five weeks. The ideal candidate should be creative and able to complete assigned tasks within strict deadlines.
Other skills include sketching abilities, good verbal and written communication skills and willing to work in an international environment.
Specific Requirements:
- Currently enrolled at a University majoring in web design, web programming, communication, marketing, or other related field;
- B2 Level in English;
- Knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP or JAVA would be an advantage;
- Experience with Photoshop and/or WordPress;
- Flexibility.
Main Tasks:
- Website and social media mantainance;
- Management of the newsletter, templates and graphic contents;
- Assisting our team with development of graphics;
- Developing and maintaining client websites;
- Assisting production team with various client and in-house design projects;
- Optimizing web page content for search engines.
If interested in this opportunity, please send your CV to the following mail address, sportello.europa@cciu.com , or call at this phone number: +36 706778824.
- Rovat: