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Let’s move together – with this motto, the 2nd University Sports Festival Budapest will be held on the 24th of November 2017, organized by Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), the Student Union of ELTE, Erasmus Student Network (ESN) ELTE and Budapest University Athletics Club (BEAC).
The main aim of this event is to provide such a community experience through sports for the exchange students in Budapest, that brings international students together from any educational institutions. Foreign students will get an insight of the university sports life of Budapest and they can try the latest, most popular sports in a casual and fun way.
Trying individual and team sports are both possible at the USF Budapest event, and a competition between the universities will be also organized. At the end of this event, the sportiest higher education institution will receive an award.
Date: 24 November 2017 (Friday), between 15:30 and 20:30.
Place: ELTE Sports Complex, 10/b Bogdánfy Ödön Road, 1117 Budapest
Expected program of USF Budapest:
15:30 – 19:00 Individual sports and volleyball, bubbleball championships
17:45 – 19:35 GRAND FINAL - playful competitions and relay races between the universities
19:50 – 20:30 Announcement of the results, closing ceremony
1. Individual Sports (registration is requested) Try as many sports as you can between 15:00 and 19:00, such as aerobic, yoga, polefitness, Zumba, functional training, combat sports, spinning, stability workout, bartendaz.
There will be introductory shows, playful programs and trainings in the above-mentioned sports. The units of the events will be held by professional, English-speaking coaches and sports organizers. Students who register to either individual or team sports, can get to know and try any sports they would like.
Registration for individual sports starts from the 2nd week of November here: http://www.beac.hu/usfb-registration/
2. Team Sports (Signing up is requested): volleyball, futsal, GRAND-FINAL (relay races)
In Volleyball and futsal, we organize a championship with maximum 8-8 teams. In a team, there can be minimum 8, maximum 12 players from the same school. Each placing will be worth different points to collect.
The GRAND FINAL (relay race) will be a playful team competition, with which we close the event. Players of both individual sports and team competitions may participate.
This race will be the most exciting event of the whole day, and the finale of the USF Budapest. We accept teams of minimum 15 players, but anyone can join these teams at the scene, who registered as an individual or a team player.
Signing up for the team sports (filling out an application form is necessary) happens through the contact people of the particular institution – for example, the mentors of ESN organization, international office, Student Union, sports association, etc. The application form and further information can be requested at the following email address: usfbudapest@gmail.com
For the team events (volleyball, futsal, GRAND FINAL) you can apply until the 17th of November.
Registration and application fee: 1000 HUF per person that can be paid at the registration form which opens from the 2nd week of November: http://www.beac.hu/usfb-registration/
Attention! Those students who applied for team sport can try all the individual sports as well, but participation in the team sports is only possible with a separate team application! Anyone can attend the GRAND FINAL (relay races) between the universities, in their own universities’ team. The application fee is requested only once.
Conditions of participation:
You can register for the individual sports via this registration platform from the 2nd week of November: http://www.beac.hu/usfb-registration/
You can apply for the team sports (volleyball,futsal, GRAND FINAL) via this email address: usfbudapest@gmail.com
You can enter the event with a valid student card, university ID card, or alumni card.
Join our FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/367668050357448/
For further information: usfbudapest@gmail.com
- Rovat: