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Summer School 2018 “Eurasia Economic School”
Summer School 2018
“Eurasia Economic School”
organized by the Ural state University of Economics
in Ekaterinburg, Russia
September 02 – September 15 2018
(Arrival Day: September 02 / Departure Day: September 15)
Web-Site: http://eurasia-school.usue.ru/
Please use the form on this page to submit your application.
Applications should be sent to: summerschool.ekaterinburg@gmail.com.
The summer school is supported by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
To the attention of students from Germany! DAAD will support financially participation of German students in EES-2018!
To the attention of German students: in addition to 10 places to participate in the Summer School, which supports DAAD, German students have the opportunity to apply for a personal scholarship to participate in the summer school.
Deadline: 15 June 2018

Concept: Eurasia Economic School is organized for students studying in the fields of economics, international relations, history and geography. Prospects for Eurasian integration processes between Russia and Germany and other countries, based on long history and traditions of industrial potential of the Ural region.
Objectives: To form a vision of the social and economic position of the Middle Urals, as a bridge between European and Asian interests among the students and young specialists (who are interested in regional development).
The main idea is to provide opportunities for participants to get information (additional economic knowledge), that is not included in the University programs.
In addition to intensive educational course, the participants will have workshops on intercultural communications. They will participate in the cultural program that includes tours to historical places, visiting the border between Europe and Asia, museums and other.
In addition, the Eurasia Economic School provides sport facilities; participants can try themselves in one of the offered sports, such as climbing, shooting or fitness.
Application and Selection Process
Do not hesitate to apply EES! We will review the applications on a rolling basis.
Individuals interested in participating in the EES Summer School 2018 are requested to submit a written application containing (1) a letter of motivation (1 page) (2) Essay on the topic of «The problems and perspectives of the Eurasian economic integration». Your letter of motivation should state at least (a) your previous experiences with the topic, (b) your motivation for joining this Summer School, and (c) how this Summer School will contribute to your development. Be creative! Please note that the application process is competitive due to a limited number of places. Decision on admission is mainly based on the motivation letter, that is why we encourage applicants to put a special emphasis on this document.
Course fee
600 EUR (academic and cultural program, visa support, airport transfers, accommodation, 2 meals per day (breakfast, lunch), coffee breaks).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee.
We are very excited to welcome you cordially to the very heart of Russia – the Urals, Ekaterinburg!
Ural State University of Economics
Russia, Ekaterinburg
International Cooperation Department
+7 (343) 221-17-90
e-mail: summerschool.ekaterinburg@gmail.com
- Rovat: